Flowers & Garden


Planting Tulips Helps the Fight Against Cancer...

Planting Tulips Helps the Fight Against Cancer

survivor tulips
We all know the health benefits we derive from working in our gardens. The mail order company, Dutch Gardens, is joining the fight against breast cancer by selling 'Survivor Tulips', to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The Komen Foundation is involved in all aspects of breast cancer eradication: research, education screening and treatment.

The rich pink 'Survivor Tulips' are hardy in Zones 3 - 7. Five dollars from each order of 25 tulips ($24.95) will go to the foundation. (They've made a guaranteed minimum pledge of $5,000.) Go to the Dutch Gardens website for more information or to place an order. A ribbon of pink tulips might be just the thing for your spring garden.