Flowers & Garden


Pineapple Sage

***Star of the late summer and fall flower garden!***

As the weather heats up and sends us indoors to a cooler environment, salvias really start to show their beauty in the landscape. One that every gardener needs is the pineapple sage.

The pineapple sage is known botanically as Salvia elegans. Despite being native to tropical Mexico and Guatemala, it does very well as an annual and is a perennial in zones 7 and warmer. The one requirement for a spring return, however, is good winter drainage.

The attributes of the pineapple sage are many. It is useful from spring through frost, wherever it is grown. The flowers appear in late summer, which means you can still get yours planted to enjoy its peak performance. The leaves, however, are always a treat, yielding the aroma and flavor of a just-opened can of crushed pineapple.

The ruby-throated hummingbird relishes the nectar in the scarlet flowers as much as the culinary artist will enjoy using the leaves to flavor drinks and cream cheese spreads.

Though I have seen the pineapple sage in full sun, I think it is a happier plant in morning sun and afternoon shade. As I mentioned earlier, the soil must be well drained. Remember that the key to the green thumb is how brown it gets first in soil preparation.

Plant on raised beds or amend heavy, tight soils with the addition of compost or humus. Well-drained soil will encourage a spring return farther north than expected.

While preparing the soil, incorporate 2 pounds of a slow-release, 12-6-6 fertilizer per 100 square feet of bed space. Space the plants 24 inches apart, and plant at the same depth they are growing in the container.

This is one of the salvias that starts to bloom as the days are getting shorter in late summer and fall, so do not plant under street lights or floodlights because you will end up with only foliage.

The pineapple sage is a tough plant known for drought tolerance. Do, however, give supplemental water during prolonged dry periods. In the fall, once the plant has received significant frost damage, prune to the ground and give an added layer of mulch for protection. You might want to take a few cuttings in the fall before the frost damage has occurred.

Pineapple Sage Facts

Mature Height 30-36"
Soil Type widely adaptable
Foliage Color green
Growth Rate Fast Moisture Requirements widely adaptable
Sun Exposure Full Sun Zones 7 - 10
The delicious flowers add color and flavor to salads and deserts. Pineapple sages make a stunning center piece or border plant.

In the spring, feed your salvias with a light application of fertilizer with the emergence of growth and every six to eight weeks through September. You may wish to pinch a couple of times to maintain bushiness. Harvest the young, tender foliage early in the morning to use for flavoring.

Like most mints, pineapple sage has square stems.The bruised foliage of Pineapple sage really does smell like fresh pineapple. The red tubular flowers emerge in August. Use pineapple sage in the center of beds and borders, where its open, airy structure will not hide other plantings. It will grow to shrub size in a single season. Pineapple sage is often grown as an annual and often grown in containers. Northern gardeners can cut pineapple sage back and dig it up in autumn to overwinter indoors.

The sages are tough and easy to grow and many attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The fresh leaves of pineapple sage are used in fruit salads and drinks. Crush a few fragrant leaves into hot or iced tea for a flavorful treat. The delicious flowers add color and flavor to salads and deserts. Pineapple sages make a stunning center piece or border plant.