Flowers & Garden


Enjoying Old Fashioned "Old Roses" In Your Flower Garden

In the 18th Century, the practice of tending rose bushes was
popular and a handy source for young men to offer as gifts during courtship. These roses were not only beautiful to admire and richly fragrant but also highly symbolic of an unwritten and often unspoken language between admirers. In ancient times, some even believed that these roses contained medicinal properties. Most of these "old roses" came from hardy shrubs that required moderate tending. Today's "old rose" varieties are also for the most part hardy but require consistent attention before you'll achieve a seasoned gardener's level of perfection.

"Old roses" are mostly hardy bushes or climbers that were very popular in the Victorian age. First introduced from areas of Greece and Persia, these Victorian roses are still enjoyed in the modern day garden. Some experts speculate that "old roses" were reportedly in gardens as far back as the 15th Century. Since "old roses" grow well in many climate zones, they don't require the close attention of many hybrid roses.

The first step in selecting an "old rose" for your garden is to study each plant's requirements and then design your garden plan accordingly. "Old roses" sometimes grow as low shrubs for bed covers; others are bushy and work well as medium height hedges. The climber "old roses" typically resemble a small bush at first and then start to climb along the sides of homes, fences or patios. The right "old rose" for your garden area depends on several factors: sunlight,shading, drainage and insects.

Many "old roses" require at least five hours of sunlight each day. Some low mossy-like "old roses" need a lot of shade. Since all roses require a lot of water - a minimum of 2 to 3 times every week during the summer - but don't take well to standing water, great drainage is a must in the garden area. Insects and nearby debris - like leaves, rose petals and weeds - are often the
main reason many roses look pretty ragged or mildew. To prevent insect damage and disease, use great soil - like manure or organic fertilizer - and prune to remove deadhead or hold back some stems. Never leave "deadhead" (dead rose blooms) on the plant since this causes the bush to waste energy to that spot.

Did you know that the rose is the most popular garden plant and the tea rose is the most popular among the "old roses"? Other well-liked "old roses" are below, along with some common features:

~ Tea roses are climbers or shrubs that come in a large variety of colors (light pink to multi-color). They convey "I'll remember you always".

~ Damask roses are low to the ground shrubs with big fragrant flowers that are usually deep red and found in clusters. Color also varies from white to deep pink. They convey "beauty ever new".

~ Mosses roses are usually low bed shrubs or climbers (like Centrifolia) with tiny roses that leave behind a scent on your hand. Color is usually deep crimson to light pink. They convey "confession of love".

To adhere to 18th Century traditions, "old roses" should be offered in bundle to convey the meaning of gratitude. Also, "old roses" are best presented if trimmed in full bloom. To read up on "old rose" varieties and growing tips, turn to the American Rose Society.

Copyright 2005 Simonetta Jensen. All rights reserved.
Simonetta Jensen is the webmaster of Roses ABC which is a principal resource for information on roses and other flowers on the internet. For more info visit her archive of articles: