Flowers & Garden


Larkspur is a cool-weather flower

Larkspur is an annual form of delphinium, much prized as a cut flower and used extensively in bouquets from the florist. It's a good garden variety too, in some ways better than delphinium, since it blooms more quickly and for a longer period of time and really looks more graceful. Of course, as an annual it won't come back again after blooming the first year.

It's a cool-weather flower, and must be planted in early fall to late fall, and will come into bloom early December to January-February, and will continue to bloom well until hot weather causes it to start to go to seed. For many years there weren't many different varieties. Giant Imperial and Regal strains were about all you could find, and while both were good and still are, there are some newer ones worth trying from seed.

"Earl Grey" is somewhat unique in that the flower color is sort of slate gray or blue. The flowers are double, the spikes are long, and the plant gets about three feet tall. A more appealing one in my view is a new selection out of Giant Imperial called "Sublime Mixed". It has double blooms on strong spikes in pink, blue, white, mauve and rose and a silvery blue. There is also a dwarf strain of larkspur, sometimes preferred gardeners where wind is problem.

Plant larkspur in a spot where it can be seen against a wall or fence for best results, but in full sun, in good soil. The earlier this fall you start from seed, the longer you'll have blooming plants in winter and spring. Plants need adequate water to germinate, then only when rains fail. Don't fertilize since this can cause too much foliar growth at the expense of bloom spikes. Keep the spikes cut when in bloom, since this can promote more spikes from base branching plants.


Best features: Good cut flower, unique blooms, good colors

Degree of difficulty: Easy to grow

When to plant: Early fall to December

Where to plant: Full sun

Soil specifications: Good soil

Fertilizer and water: Don't fertilize, water well to start

Happy Gardening!