Flowers & Garden


Red Perennial Pre-Planned Garden

It is just red and beautiful!

red perennials garden

"Pre-planned gardens allow you to put on a colorful show even
if you’ve never planted one flower before. The gardens come with
plans and plants. All you have to do is dig the holes."

Create excitement in your landscape throughout the growing season with this dashing garden. All five perennials are easy to grow and are a fascinating combination of shapes and hues - a veritable rainbow of reds.

This pre-planned garden includes:

  • 1 Autumn Red Daylily
    A profusion of large, non-fading red blooms with golden
    bars adorn the 36" stems in mid-summer.

  • 3 Jacob Cline Monarda
    Mint-scented foliage, extra-large deep red flowers make
    this a bold accent for a border - or butterfly or herb garden.

  • 1 Tenor Tall Phlox
    Enjoy brilliant scarlet red color and spicy fragrance for weeks beginning in mid-summer.

  • 1 Red Fanal Astilbe
    Mound-shaped perennials with fernlike foliage produce dozens of
    soft feathery flowers on 20-40" tall spikes in late spring to early summer.

  • 3 Desmond Hardy Carnation
    Vivid scarlet blooms-among the most beautiful of all carnations.