Flowers & Garden


Complete Preplanned Rose Garden

Nothing can compare with a professional Rose Garden to provide your home with the ultimate in floral beauty. For this collection we have blended together eight distinctive Hybrid Tea Roses with three outstanding Climbing Roses. By planting them where they will be on display all through the summer, you'll add instant charm to your landscape and have a host of gorgeous roses to fill your home with elegant bouquets day after day.

Each of the varieties in this exceptional Rose Garden is a delight in itself, but when planted together they create a display of special grandeur. The three Climbing Roses create an especially clever color harmony--crimson red, pink-red and a bright yellow, double flowering rose. Planted together, the canes intertwine to create what appears to be a tricolored Rose--the delightful illusion of three colors on a single plant.

The Complete Preplanned Rose Garden Includes:

  • Climbing Rose Zéphirine Drouhin

    Enjoy masses of delightful pinkish-red roses all season long.
    Extremely fragrant, 3 1/2 to 4" semi-double blooms on nearly thornless stems.

  • Climbing Rose Improved Blaze

    Most popular of all Climbing Roses. Has hundreds of huge, scarlet, non-fading flowers and is easy to grow.

  • Climbing Rose Golden Showers

    The finest yellow climbing rose. Covered with 4" double blooms from spring to fall.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose John F. Kennedy

    Magnificent blooms become increasingly white as they unfold. In the garden, pristine petals resist wind and rain.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Chrysler Imperial

    Deep red, fragrant flowers with 45-50 lush petals borne on long, straight stems.

  • Sub-Zero Rose Maria Stern

    Lush, salmon-orange blooms with scalloped edges. A magnificent display of color that lasts for months and never fades in the sun.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Golden Eagle

    Spring Hill Exclusive Glorious, non-fading, deep gold blooms are produced in abundant clusters on long stems.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Audrey Hepburn

    Exquisite rose introduced in 1991 has very fragrant 4" blooms of apple blossom pink.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Caribia®

    Fiesta excitement all season long! Captivating 5" flowers feature red and pink markings on glistening yellow petals.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Royal Amethyst®

    Spring Hill Exclusive Regal beauty boasts fragrant, double blooms in a rare blend of lavender and purple.

  • Hybrid Tea Rose Double Delight

    Unusual blossoms start out creamy white and turn cherry red. Spicy-scented 5 1/2" flowers throughout the season.