Flowers & Garden


How to attract hummingbirds to your garden!

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden made easy!

From their private perch these tiny birds keep a constant eye on their surroundings. With grace, agility and speed hummingbirds launch at any intruder, whether that is another hummingbird or a larger bird wandering into their territory.

After a quick battle, the victor returns to his (or her) perch, preens and is on the lookout once again. A hummingbird’s blazing speed, agility, amusing squeaky chatter, and tractor like sound of wings as they buzz by, makes them a truly unique and amazing creature. Best of all, there are simple things you can do in you yard to create an environment that is inviting to hummingbirds.

Get your preplanned Hummingbird/Butterfly Garden from Spring Hill Nursery NOW!