Flowers & Garden


Storing Herbs

My mother taught me this technique for storing herbs and it works very well.

1. Chop a desired amount of herbs using a knife and cutting board or a food processor.
2. Put herbs into a large plastic baggy or bowl and add a small amount of oil, just enough to coat the herbs.
3. When herbs are lightly coated with oil, spread them out on a cookie sheet
4. Place cookie sheet in freezer and let herbs freeze
5. Remove cookie sheet from freezer and place frozen herbs into an air-tight freezer container
6. Place back in freezer for future use.
7. Use frozen herbs in same quantities as you would use fresh......enjoy!

Note: Do not keep oil/herb mixture in refrigerator-botulism could develop if not kept frozen!

Flower of the month

Red & White Holiday Gift Basket
NOW On Sale

Dutch Gardens
red Amaryllis
5 Snowstar tulips,
White Pearl hyacinths
in a 15" basket.

Red & White
Holiday Basket


One of my favorite indoor plant in the winter and spring is the amaryllis, with large lily-shaped flowers on tall stems.

They are becoming a popular holiday gift, because they are beautiful and colorful.As a bulb, it shares some care and growth methods used with other bulbs.

However, because of its background as a tropical plant, and bloom cycle,
there are differences. The amaryllis bulb is NOT winter hardy, so would not survive planted outdoors, as would tulips, daffodils, etc.

The amaryllis is for indoor blooms on a yearly cycle.
With proper care, the bulb will flower again each year.

Herbs-When is the right time to pick them?

If you are picking herbs with the intent on drying them for future use, follow these guidelines:
~Harvest flowers as soon as they open
~Harvest leaves and stems just prior to plant flowering
~Harvest seeds when they begin to harden

Pick herbs in the morning after the dew has evaporated. The reason behind this is that the heat of the sun causes the herb's flavor to lesson. Choose herbs carefully: don't pick overly damp leaves as they have a tendency to become moldy.


An indoor herb garden becoming more interesting and popular as the years go by. Herbs are used for cooking. They add flavor to the foods you enjoy. Herbs are also used as food supplements and used in weight loss products.

You can plant herbs throughout your flower gardens to add additional beauty, but you can also grow a kitchen herb garden. Some herbs will produce flowers. Herbs are wonderful plants to use for seasoning, enhance visual beauty of your garden and also produce aromatic foliage for you to enjoy. They prove to be also a beautiful garden more on indoor herb gardening

Flower gardening tips

Flower gardening tips to assure your flower garden continues to bloom from spring until fall through the use of seeds, flowering bulbs, and other plants.
Blooming flowers burst upon us almost the moment the sun begins to melt the snow. A warm, welcome burst of color usually is provided by the vivacious crocus, which gets the show started by pushing up their bright yellow and purple heads through the last remnants of snow, heralding the onset of spring.
From there, bulbs such as the daffodil, narcissi and tulip begin to dot flowerbeds with scarlets and pinks, and a multitude of yellow and orange shades. Then come peonies, painted daisies, day lilies, Shasta daisies, lavender, pansies, and hollyhock. Finally, phlox, dragon's teeth, globe thistle, sunflowers, moonflower, and hostas will bring forth their perspective blossoms.
The sight of all this beauty is breathtaking. However, there are times when a garden showcases various shades of green, brown, and grey...and nothing else......for more please visit Flowers &

Photo of the day

inside a tulip