Flowers & Garden


Flower of the month

Red & White Holiday Gift Basket
NOW On Sale

Dutch Gardens
red Amaryllis
5 Snowstar tulips,
White Pearl hyacinths
in a 15" basket.

Red & White
Holiday Basket


One of my favorite indoor plant in the winter and spring is the amaryllis, with large lily-shaped flowers on tall stems.

They are becoming a popular holiday gift, because they are beautiful and colorful.As a bulb, it shares some care and growth methods used with other bulbs.

However, because of its background as a tropical plant, and bloom cycle,
there are differences. The amaryllis bulb is NOT winter hardy, so would not survive planted outdoors, as would tulips, daffodils, etc.

The amaryllis is for indoor blooms on a yearly cycle.
With proper care, the bulb will flower again each year.