Coneflowers | Echinacea
Echinacea or coneflower cultivars have undergone many changes in the past few years. New colors, sizes and flower shapes keep coming, but each new cultivar has to be compared to the original, Magnus. This classic echinacea has large, deep-pink flowers that are long lasting and are produced all summer. If there’s any problem it’s that it grows to a height of about 4 feet.
About 20 years ago a dwarf form was found and named Kim’s Knee High. It is the same as Magnus but grows about a foot shorter.
Since then, the echinacea family has exploded with new cultivars.
For years White Swan has been the best of the white echinacea. This year, new dwarf plant Avalanche looks like a winner. The large white flowers have a dark gold cone and are on stems that are only 15 to 18 inches tall. Avalanche will blossom from July to September.
Elton Knight grows into a bushy plant that produces pink flowers reaching up to 6 inches in diameter. The stems are strong enough not to need staking.
If your garden doesn’t include echinacea and you have a sunny spot, try one or more -you will not regret it.
Labels: flowers, full sun, perennials