Flowers & Garden


Top 7 Varieties of Pink Roses for a Gorgeous Garden

Pink roses are very beautiful and can add a sort of unique touch to any garden. They come in many varieties, ranging from pale to dark to almost electric. There are varieties that bloom only once per season and those that bloom continuously in cycles from early spring to late fall (until the frost of winter forces them into dormancy). There are also quite a few varieties that are well suited for a variety of hardiness zones.

For this list of seven beautiful pink roses, the requirements are at least repeated blooms and suitableness for a range of hardiness zones. (You can find your hardiness zone by consulting the Internet or a local Master Gardener.) These roses range from slightly fragrant to very fragrant, but one thing is sure: no matter which varieties you choose for your garden, they are sure to make a gorgeous garden.

Dark Pink Roses:

Country Dancer

This rose was first introduced in 1973. It is a lovely dark pink variety that comes on a shrub. This makes it an excellent choice as an accent plant or as a hedge. Country Dancer blooms continuously, ensuring that your plant will always have flowers, and never look barren from spring to autumn. It is a fragrant flower that smells very nice but that is not so pungent that it is overwhelming. This rose if perfect for zones four through nine.

American Beauty

American beauty is a classic dark pink rose that has been around since 1875. It is very fragrant and blooms repeatedly. It is in the class of hybrid perpetual and has such a large, classic look to it that it is almost impossible not to love this flower. It grows in zones five through nine.

Martha's Vineyard

A fairly recent flower, developed in 1995, Martha’s Vineyard offers a beautiful shrub that is well adapted for hardiness zones five through nine. Additionally, its fragrance makes it ideal for people who enjoy surrounding their home with sensual plants. Repeat blooms ensure that you will see the flowers more than once during the growing season.

Robin Hood

This is a slightly fragrant hybrid musk variety that blooms continuously. While not as adaptable as the others (zones six through nine), it still provides good range and can be grafted onto the roots of plants suited for other growing conditions.

Light Pink Roses:

Bloomfield Abundance

Bloomfield Abundance is a rather nice floribunda class rose that blooms continuously. It was developed in 1920, and it is very fragrant. Its name comes from the fact that it has abundant blossoms that grow well in a variety of settings. Its hardiness zones are five through nine.

Audrey Hepburn
pink rose Audrey Hepburn
Exquisite Rose introduced in 1991 has very fragrant 4" blooms of apple blossom pink, set off by glossy foliage with a thread of scarlet bordering each leaf. Audrey Hepburn Hybrid Tea Rose grows 4-5' tall. Enhance your garden- or plant a new one- with colorful, fragrant roses. These have all vigorous, disease-resistant plants that are easy to grow and guaranteed to flower this summer.

Jacques Cartier

Jacques Cartier is a Portland class rose that has been in existence for nearly 150 years. It is a fine choice for nearly any garden. It gives a heady, sensual, very fragrant smell that provides the garden with continuous fragrance (the blooms cycle continuously spring through fall). Any garden in zones four through nine can enjoy this light pink rose.