Flowers & Garden


Rose Color Meanings


Red roses may traditionally be the symbol of love and beauty, but what if your relationship is just starting out, or you've given her red roses every holiday and now you want something different? Let your rose color choice define your relationship! If she's your friend, send her yellow. If you're flirting with him, pink's the color you need! Select a rose in the color of your true feelings and watch your Valentine's eyes light up with delight!

Red Rose True love?
Red's the classic way to say, "I Love You!"

Pink Rose Just flirting?
Send pink which also stands for grace and beauty and watch them blush!

White Rose New relationship?
White's your choice for the couple just starting out!

Yellow Rose Best friends?
Nothing beats yellow as a symbol of friendship hope and joy!

Orange or Coral Rose Heart's Desire?
If your palms are sweaty and your heart is pounding, select orange or coral roses, the color of desire!

Red and White Roses (together) Together forever?
Present a bouquet of white and red roses that symbolize unity and you're saying, "We'll never be apart!"

Multi-Color Roses Apple of your eye?
When you love them in so many different ways, there's nothing like a rainbow of roses to show how much you care!

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